Friday, September 19, 2008

Up, Up, and Away

I've decided to run away from home... but I'm only running to Utah! Jessica & Tawnya talked me into a visit. I got a good price on a ticket, so it's all set. The plane flys west on October 1st and doesn't come back until the 7th (Travis's birthday)! The girls pamper me when I visit, so I'm really looking forward to the time away. Tawnya is getting a good deal though, because I promised her I would come to her school as a mystery guest. So who knows anything about Betsy Ross? I've been looking on the internet for costume ideas... guess I better get busy sewing... Where's Betsy when I need her?! I'm anxious to see how the "mop hat" Betsy wore will look on me. Wish me luck.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lasting Impressions

With so many writing about their memories of 9-11, it brought to my mind other times when tragedies have created lasting impressions. It seems to me those thoughts and impressions are very real and unforgettable. 1963 - Who can forget where they were and what they were doing when JFK was assassinated? 1966- I will never forget coming home from school and learning of the death of my 19 year old sister. 1985- The death of Pres. Spencer W Kimball; although this wasn't a tragic event, it was very memorable to me because he was "my" first prophet to whom I could relate. 2001- The 9-11 attacks on the USA.
And so it is, life is full of ups and downs. Some events shape our lives forever. I'm so very grateful for the knowledge the gospel of Jesus Christ brings. Although I don't often know "why" some things may happen, I do know through eternity all will be just fine. And for now, I'm okay with that!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Meet My New Friend!

What a breath of fresh air! As I listened to her talk tonight at the RNC, I was impressed with her composer, her directness, her commonness, and the fact that she is a woman!!! GO SARAH PALIN! I'm so glad McCain chose her as his running mate. She will make the next 2 months of campaign rhetoric sooooo exciting. I can hardly wait for the debates to begin. She inspires me to be a politician. But then every time I watch the American beauty pagents I wish I was Miss(Mrs) Minnesota... if only I could come up with a talent!!