It's hard for me to resist anything Swedish! Soooo, when I saw a beautiful piece of furniture on Craigslist, I just knew it needed a place in my home. Of course finding the spot was not hard at all. My sewing room was sporting this fancy shelving......
Functional, but definitely not beholding to the eye.
But, no more. Now I have this lovely unit to store all (maybe not all, but some anyway) my quilt projects in. The dancing boy doing a jig makes me laugh each time I look at him. There is a lovely Swedish girl on the opposite side but I wasn't able to position the furniture to see that. So I will just have to party with the dancing boy!
So John's question was, "Did you need this?" My response was, "Of course not, but I sure wanted it."
It's important to understand needs and wants. Sometimes the wants win!!