Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Treats

We have been eating from our garden for two weeks - the early perennial plants of rhubarb and asparagus. They are so tasty when fresh.

My favorite this time of year are the fresh June strawberries. I picked our first bowl full today. Don't they look delicious?

After cleaning the strawberries, the next big decision was how to eat them... pie, shortcake, with cream & sugar? Tonight I decided to mix a few strawberries with ice cream and a little milk. Hit the blender power button, and walla... a delicious strawberry shake! Yum, yum, yum. Fit for a king (or queen).

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Your shake looks good. Fresh garden veggies are a real treat. I like the idea of a garden, but I don't know if it's something I'd actually be able to keep up.