Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Empty Box & Dreaming of Spring

I'm happy to say I now have an empty box. This probably isn't very exciting news to most people, but I'm elated!! I have had a box with fabric sitting under my sewing table for a year or so. Today I finished the third quilt made from what I am now calling the purple fabric.

Yes, this looks just like my first finished quilt in 2014 except I didn't put borders around the outside edge. I just made the quilt bigger.
I'm happy to have this box empty because the more I sewed, the more purple the colors became! Guess I'm ready to work on some different colored fabrics for a while. No problem, I have many to choose from.
PLUS, the next few days will be perfect weather for staying inside. The winds are blowing and the snow is piling up. Minus 25 tomorrow morning. We actually have waves or white caps on the fields and yard around our house. See the blowing snow in this picture? We have a sidewalk and driveway somewhere under all this snow.

Even our picnic table has a wave of snow covering it completely. The poor birds are having a hard time perching at the birdfeeders because of the wind. They make me laugh when their little butts get tipped up into the wind and they lose their balance!! I'm sure they are thinking the same as me... "spring can't come soon enough."


Tawnya said...

Mom, that quilt is beautiful. I think I like it more without the borders. Congratulations on getting an empty box. That is AMAZING!!! Happy Quilting. I a missing those snowdrifts and below zero tempts something terribly. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I am going to tip my little butt up in the air next time I see you and see if you laugh just as hard!
The quilt looks beautiful!