Friday, November 7, 2008

Election/Wallet Woes

My friend Sarah is headed back to Alaska, all her "expensive" clothes have been donated to the needy, and I'm still numb about the election results. Although this election was "history in the making", I'm not pleased with this page of history that is being written. Yeah, I've heard it is now time for all U.S. citizens to unite... but frankly, I think that's a crock! When have all our opinions been united?! We thrive on diversity and difference of opinion. I will continue to speak with a conservative voice and oppose government regulation and controls. I have a wallet, but no control over the spending of any funds within it. My only hope, as a member of the middle class, is for all my money to be redistributed. Then, as a member of the poor class, I will have access to the redistributed wealth! Working as an election judge in East Bethel Precinct 1, it was very satisfying to see the results of the voters in our area overwhelmingly support the republican candidates. So all I can say is that I'm surrounded with a majority of politically like-minded neighbors. That brings a smile to my face!!


Anne said...

Amen Fran! I am particularly attuned to this idea of being able to have dissenting voices this morning. I am saddened and surprised by the fact that we are not allowed to have rational, dissenting dialogue about sensitive issues without ending up hating each other. wow. I agree with everything you said, but that is what sticks with me at this moment!

Tawnya said...

I love you mom and your republican views! Go Mit!