Friday, April 29, 2011

Cupcake Creations

I found a new cookie pan with shapes of a daisy, tulip, lady bug, watering can, lamb, chick, basket with eggs, Easter egg, and butterfly. Decided it would be fun to make some for Easter. John really got into coloring the cookies. I just did one color on each cookie, but John used many colors. He found it to be very relaxing.

The colored cookies are then put on top of a cupcake frosted green (representing grass). Here are some of the final cookies & cupcakes. YUM!!


Nicole said...

You guys did such a great job on those! I thought they were really fun.

Tawnya said...

Those are fantastic! Great work. You guys make such a great team.

Angie said...

You guys are so cute! I want to be you when I grow up! ;)