Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Going, Going, Gone...

As parents, we work hard to teach our children so they will grow up into well adjusted, testimony rich, productive adults. So why is it so hard to let them go? Children leaving home is suppose to be a positive thing right? So why do I feel so bad? Taking children to the airport, or seeing them leave on their own, is not easy - anytime. I should be use to it by now; we have experienced many comings and goings, many moistened by tears. But taking a line from the Sound of Music - "Why don't I feel better?" I've been owly the last few days, knowing Tawnya is heading back to Utah. Today was the departure. Although Dr. Pepper helps, it doesn't cure the heartache.
So what positive spin can I put on this? I've been blessed with wonderful children that I enjoy being with, and they enjoy being with John and me. They brighten our lives in so many ways. I'm grateful they have the desire to return home to visit after they move out. That is a wonderful gift for the many years of parenting. It is so true that we hold our children in our arms for a short time, but we hold them in our hearts forever! Enjoy the holding.


Anne said...

I dream of a harvest as rich as yours! I'm glad I get to count them as friends...I would be (will be)sad too.

Tawnya said...

Oh mom, I miss you to. In fact, it really stinks to have to leave but knowing the door is always great motivation to work hard and get home! I love you.