Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Meet My New Friend!

What a breath of fresh air! As I listened to her talk tonight at the RNC, I was impressed with her composer, her directness, her commonness, and the fact that she is a woman!!! GO SARAH PALIN! I'm so glad McCain chose her as his running mate. She will make the next 2 months of campaign rhetoric sooooo exciting. I can hardly wait for the debates to begin. She inspires me to be a politician. But then every time I watch the American beauty pagents I wish I was Miss(Mrs) Minnesota... if only I could come up with a talent!!


Nicole said...

I think she will be a huge change and I'm interested to see how it all plays out.

Anne said...

OK Fran. As my cohort in all things political, after we both recover we are going to have to find some fun way of getting involved. That women has to get elected.

Fran said...

Anne, I hope it doesn't involve wearing any funny looking hats. There are just too many of these head covers at the RNC!

Jon said...

Watching her speech got me excited about politics...and that's saying something! :)

Jon said...

oops..not jon (my brother-in-law) it's Angie!